Abhinav Pandey

Product Designer with a knack for solving high-impact problems.

I’m a designer, but writing is another important part of my practice. Most of what I’ve written focuses on making the case for a cohesive and generous philosophy for how we design technology: it must not only look good and feel good, it must also be good. Today, I’ll be focusing on the other side of how technology gets made. I want to talk about ways to find a clear path through how we use technology and what we expect from it.

This need seems urgent. It has been the central topic of many of my conversations with friends and professional acquaintances for the last year and a half. If you bundle those conversations together, the diagnosis is clear: there is so much convenience, but so little comfort. Everyone is tired. Our attention is over-extended, over-stimulated, and over-commodified, making us twitchy, unfocused, and, in a very crude sense, afraid.

Latest Writing ↓

Work in 3 Minutes

Work in 30 Minutes

January 19, 2023


Writing on why you should too!

Fantasy Numbers

December 31, 2022


My first long term high stakes job

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December 29, 2020


Took a stab at solving a problem I faced using a product, through design of course.

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April 13, 2020


Took a stab at solving a problem I faced using a product, through design of course.

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April 9, 2020


My process of end-to-end ideating and creating AD creatives

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February 22, 2020


Took a stab at solving a problem I faced using a product, through design of course.

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Tools used

Eleventy (Static Site Generator), TailwindCSS (CSS Framework), Figma (Design Tool used for Ideation and all things design), VSCode (Code Editor), Github (For keeping the code on internet).

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Fonts used OpenSauceSans by Creative Sauce and Inter by Rasmus Anderson.